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Curricula for students admitted in 2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025
Code of curriculum | 80130 |
Statistics code of curriculum | 8420017 |
Curriculum (service abbreviation) | KRd |
Curriculum in Estonian | Keskkonnateadus ja rakendusbioloogia |
Curriculum in English | Environmental Sciences and Applied Biology |
Status | Confirmed |
Structural unit | Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences |
| Doctoral School |
Level of study | Doctoral studies |
Curriculum level in EHIS | 734 Doctoral study (study programmes registered after 01 June 2002) |
ISCED-97 level | 6 |
Broad group of studies | Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics |
Field of study | Environment |
Group of curricula | Environmental sciences |
Study programme group | Life sciences |
Language of instruction | Estonian and English |
Form of study | regular studies |
System of curriculum | Individual study plan |
Nominal length of studies | 4 years |
Credit points (ECTS) from 31.08.2009 | 240 |
Credit points before 31.08.2009 | 160 |
Degree to be awarded | Filosoofiadoktor |
Degree to be awarded (in English) | Doctor of Philosophy |
Abbreviation of awarded degree | PhD |
Degree-granting council | The thesis defence committee in the field of agricultural science |
Document issued at graduation | Diploma |
Date of confirmation at the EMU Council | 17.03.2005 |
Changing at the EMU Council | speciality name changing | 02.02.2017 |
| change of count of credit points of the main specialty | 14.05.2020 |
Right to conduct studies in this study programme group | unspecified period |
Date of registration at the Ministry of Education and Research database | 13.09.2005 |
Program leaders | Name | Since | Until |
| Kalev Sepp | 17.03.2005 | |
RPL advisors | Diana Pungar (Doctoral School) |
RPL committee | Ina Järve (esimees), Arvo Leola, Arvo Viltrop, Ants-Hannes Viira, Katrin Jõgar, Diana Pungar, Harli Jürgenson |
Admission requirements |
in Estonian | Magistrikraad või sellele vastav kvalifikatsioon. |
in English | Master's degree or an equivalent qualification. |
General objectives |
in Estonian | Bio- ja keskkonnateaduse tippspetsialistide rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud tasemel ettevalmistamine, töötamiseks keskkonnakaitse, rakendusbioloogia ja maastikuarhitektuuri valdkonnas, ning kõrghariduses. |
in English | Preparing leading environmental and life sciences specialists at an internationally recognized level for the environmental protection, applied biology and landscape architecture sectors in public administration, entrepreneurship and higher education. |
Learning outcomes |
in Estonian | Doktoriõppekava läbinu: 1) omab bio- ja keskkonnateadustes oma uurimisvaldkonnas ajakohaseid, põhjalikke ja spetsiifilisi teadmisi, tunneb ja rakendab vastavaid uurimismetoodikaid ja -meetodeid, oskab analüüsida ja sünteesida oma valdkonda arendavaid ideid, püstitada need uurimisküsimustena, ning lähtub uurimistöös teaduseetikast; 2) oskab juhtida uurimistööd, teha strateegilisi otsuseid ning teavitada tulemustest, publitseerides õppekeeles ja oma erialal olulises teaduskeeles ning argumenteerida erialastes aruteludes; 3) rakendab oma erialaseid teadmisi ja kogemusi bio- ja keskkonnateaduste valdkonnas õppe-, teadus- ja arendustegevuses; 4) omab meeskonnatöö ja rahvusvahelise erialase suhtluse kogemust; 5) mõistab professionaalse arengu ja elukestva õppe olulisust indiviidi ja ühiskonna tasandil; 6) on loodussäästliku mõtteviisiga jätkusuutliku arengu edendaja ja aitab kaasa keskkonna säästmisele. |
in English | Doctoral students will be expected to: 1) have up-to-date, thorough and specific knowledge in environmental and life sciences in their field of research, be familiar with and apply relevant research methodologies and methods, be able to analyse and synthesise ideas developing the field, formulate the ideas as research questions, and comply with standards of research ethics; 2) be able to lead research, make strategic decisions and inform about the results by publishing and participating in professional discussions in the language of instruction and in the language of research relevant in the field; 3) apply the professional knowledge and experience in the field of environmental and life sciences in academic teaching, research and development; 4) have experience in teamwork and international professional communication in the field of speciality; 5) understand the relevance of professional development and lifelong learning at the level of an individual and the society; 6) be a promoter of sustainable development with a green mindset and contribute to environmental sustainability. |
Specialties |
Name of specialty in Estonian | rakendusbioloogia |
Name of specialty in English | Applied Biology |
Opening date | 02.02.2017 |
Degree to be awarded (in Estonian) | filosoofiadoktori kraad (rakendusbioloogia) |
Degree to be awarded (in English) | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD |
Name of specialty in Estonian | biokeemia |
Name of specialty in English | Biochemistry |
Opening date | 17.03.2005 |
Closing date | 02.02.2017 |
Degree to be awarded (in Estonian) | filosoofiadoktori kraad (biokeemia) |
Degree to be awarded (in English) | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD |
Name of specialty in Estonian | botaanika |
Name of specialty in English | Botany |
Opening date | 17.03.2005 |
Closing date | 02.02.2017 |
Degree to be awarded (in Estonian) | filosoofiadoktori kraad (botaanika) |
Degree to be awarded (in English) | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD |
Name of specialty in Estonian | ökoloogia |
Name of specialty in English | Ecology |
Opening date | 17.03.2005 |
Closing date | 02.02.2017 |
Degree to be awarded (in Estonian) | filosoofiadoktori kraad (ökoloogia) |
Degree to be awarded (in English) | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD |
Name of specialty in Estonian | ökofüsioloogia |
Name of specialty in English | Ecophysiology |
Opening date | 28.05.2009 |
Closing date | 02.02.2017 |
Degree to be awarded (in Estonian) | filosoofiadoktori kraad (ökofüsioloogia) |
Degree to be awarded (in English) | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD |
Name of specialty in Estonian | keskkonnakaitse |
Name of specialty in English | Environmental Protection |
Opening date | 17.03.2005 |
Degree to be awarded (in Estonian) | filosoofiadoktori kraad (keskkonnakaitse) |
Degree to be awarded (in English) | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD |
Name of specialty in Estonian | keskkonnatehnoloogia |
Name of specialty in English | Environmental Technology |
Opening date | 17.03.2005 |
Closing date | 02.02.2017 |
Degree to be awarded (in Estonian) | filosoofiadoktori kraad (keskkonnatehnoloogia) |
Degree to be awarded (in English) | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD |
Name of specialty in Estonian | hüdrobioloogia |
Name of specialty in English | Hydrobiology |
Opening date | 17.03.2005 |
Closing date | 02.02.2017 |
Degree to be awarded (in Estonian) | filosoofiadoktori kraad (hüdrobioloogia) |
Degree to be awarded (in English) | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD |
Name of specialty in Estonian | maastikuarhitektuur |
Name of specialty in English | Landscape Architecture |
Opening date | 17.03.2005 |
Degree to be awarded (in Estonian) | filosoofiadoktori kraad (maastikuarhitektuur) |
Degree to be awarded (in English) | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD |
Name of specialty in Estonian | mükoloogia |
Name of specialty in English | Mycology |
Opening date | 17.03.2005 |
Closing date | 02.02.2017 |
Degree to be awarded (in Estonian) | filosoofiadoktori kraad (mükoloogia) |
Degree to be awarded (in English) | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD |
Name of specialty in Estonian | taimefüsioloogia |
Name of specialty in English | Plant Physiology |
Opening date | 17.03.2005 |
Closing date | 02.02.2017 |
Degree to be awarded (in Estonian) | filosoofiadoktori kraad (taimefüsioloogia) |
Degree to be awarded (in English) | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD |
Name of specialty in Estonian | zooloogia |
Name of specialty in English | zoology |
Opening date | 17.03.2005 |
Closing date | 02.02.2017 |
Degree to be awarded (in Estonian) | filosoofiadoktori kraad (zooloogia) |
Degree to be awarded (in English) | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD |
Curricula for students admitted in 2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025