Content of the curriculum Planning and analysis in multifunctional forestry (222062) for entrants of 2022/2023Help
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Curricula for students admitted in 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025
Study places (regular studies)20
Student places (block mode study)
Õppekohtade koguarv20
Curriculum version confirmed by (25.03.2021)
Brief description of curriculum (in Estonian)120 EAP (erialamoodul 79 EAP, eriala valikainete moodulid 6 EAP, vabaained 5 EAP, magistritöö 30 EAP)
Brief description of curriculum (in English)120 ECTS credits (speciality module 79 ECTS credits, speciality elective subjects modules 6 ECTS credits, optional subjects 5 ECTS credits, Master's thesis 30 ECTS credits)
Requirements for finishing the curricula (in Estonian)Õppekava täitmine täies mahus ja magistritöö kaitsmine.
Requirements for finishing the curricula (in English)Completing the conditions of the curriculum and defending Master's thesis.
Study planin EstonianPlanning and analysis in multifunctional forestry 23 24.pdf
Planning and analysis in multifunctional forestry (120 ECTS)   print XLS
1. SPECIALITY MODULE (79 ECTS) mandatoryDisplay module's objectives
Principles of module selection: Speciality module is obligatory.
1.1. Basics for planning and analysis in multifunctional forestry (23 ECTS) mandatoryDisplay module's objectives
MI.1003 Advanced course in forest policy (5 ECTS)
MI.0190 Economics of forest management (6 ECTS)
MI.1948 Forest ecology. Theory and field practice (6 ECTS)
MI.1946 Project and business management in forestry (6 ECTS)
1.2. Data management and analysis (42 ECTS) mandatoryDisplay module's objectives
MI.0235 Advanced course in forest design and management planning. Theory and field practice (8 ECTS)
MI.1958 Big data, organization and analysis (4 ECTS)
MI.1750 Dendrochronology (3 ECTS)
MI.0663 Forest certification (3 ECTS)
MI.1021 Forestry modelling (5 ECTS)
MI.0448 Nature conservation planning and forest design (5 ECTS)
MI.0097 Remote sensing of forestry (5 ECTS)
MI.1947 Software design, programming and data management (6 ECTS)
MI.1959 Spatial analysis (3 ECTS)
1.3. Research and internship (14 ECTS) mandatoryDisplay module's objectives
MI.0693 Practice and research in enterprise (6 ECTS)
MI.1945 Research planning, biometrics and statistical analysis (8 ECTS)
2. SPECIALITY ELECTIVE SUBJECTS MODULES (6 ECTS) mandatory can be chosedDisplay module's objectives
Principles of module selection: 1) Speciality elective subjects module "Academic Estonian and English language" is obligatory for Estonian-speaking students.
2) Speciality elective subjects module "Estonian language" is obligatory for non-Estonian speaking students.
2.1. Estonian language (6 ECTS) mandatory can be chosedDisplay module's objectives
Principles of module selection: Speciality elective subjects module "Estonian language" is obligatory for non-Estonian speaking students.
KE.0069 Estonian for foreigners (3 ECTS)
KE.0085 Estonian language and culture. Level 0-A1 (4 ECTS)
KE.0080 Estonian. Pre-Intermediate (3 ECTS)
2.2. Academic Estonian and English language (6 ECTS) mandatory can be chosedDisplay module's objectives
Principles of module selection: Speciality elective subjects module "Academic Estonian and English language" is obligatory for Estonian-speaking students.
KE.0082 Academic writing in Estonian (1 ECTS)
KE.0075 English C1. Language structures. My GrammarLab learning platform (2 ECTS)
KE.0043 English for Specific Purposes: Practical conference communication (3 ECTS)
3. OPTIONAL SUBJECTS (5 ECTS) mandatoryDisplay module's objectives
Principles of module selection: Students can choose optional subjects. Subjects can be chosen at their university and other institutions of higher education (including foreign universities).
4. MASTER’S THESIS (30 ECTS) mandatoryDisplay module's objectives
MI.1670 Master thesis (30 ECTS)
Curricula for students admitted in 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025
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